Beauty is not exclusive.
In the 50's when the housewares economy and the power of the Feminine Mystique sunk, advertisers looked to a market that wouldn't disappear. They wanted a promise of riches that wouldn't fade with the times... and so they chose two things that would always be: age and beauty. They then created an "ideal" that doesn't physically exist, so that women would forever attempt to purchase perfection.
Here we are, 60 years later still hating ourselves and our bodies for not being something that was created in an office by professional marketers decades ago. Because of this history, we all find ourselves in the same boat of self doubt no matter our size, shape, or shade. This leaves us with a choice. Will we listen to others and their "opinion" of our worth? Or will we decide our own definition of beautiful and know that it means each and every single one of us? I, personally, will choose the latter.